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October 20, 2018 | Written by Brad Russell

Kyani 101

Mountain snow Kyani

In the world of dieting and super foods, it can be hard to know which ones you’re “supposed” to try for maximal health benefits. In the sea of super food options, one that stands out is the Wild Alaskan Blueberry. For the purpose of this article, we’ll refer to them as Kyani berries.

Like regular blueberries, these berries are edible (and delicious) in their natural form. They are also available in products such as vitamins, drinks, and supplements. However you choose to consume your Kyani berries, you can look forward to many health benefits that they offer.

Meet the Kyani Berry

The kyani berry belongs to a sub-class within the larger blueberry family. Kyani (Alaska) blueberries are native to the southeastern part of Alaska. They grow wild and produce sustenance for a variety of animals, including elk, bears, and moose.

So how can you tell it apart from other blueberries? Appearance is everything:

  • Height: About six feet
  • Stems: Short, stout, and reddish in color
  • Berries: Dark blue to purple
  • Habitat: Forest openings and the perimeter of the forest

What Makes Kyani Berries so Special?

Kyani BerryKyani berries have earned high marks for their variety of health benefits. As with the rest of the blueberry family, they are chock full of antioxidants and other substances that may ward off disease and generally promote good health. If you’re wondering “what am I getting from this berry?” when you pop one in your mouth, here’s the answer:

  • Antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory Protection
  • Essential Nutrients

The Importance of Antioxidants

When studies began to emerge demonstrating that blueberries were full of cancer-fighting antioxidants, the world went nuts. Blueberries jumped to the top of just about every “super food” list, and some stores even had a hard time keeping up with consumer demand. By now, you are probably familiar with the term “antioxidant,” and you may even associate it specifically with blueberries. But what exactly does that word mean?

An antioxidant is a molecule, which is a substance in the body that is comprised of atoms. Molecules are formed when two atoms or more bond together. Molecules can vary in size from a handful to hundreds and even thousands of atoms. Molecules require chemical equilibrium to remain balanced. This means that they have to have a certain number of atoms and electrons. If they lose an electron unintentionally, they are called “free radicals,” which are unstable molecules that can damage others.

So what’s the big deal? Free radicals are responsible for creating many adverse health conditions, including some types of cancer. But antioxidants, which are found in kyani berries, step in to save the day. Antioxidants restore the proper balance of atoms and electrons in molecules, which in turn reduces your risk of possibly contracting certain diseases. This article at Healthline describes exactly how antioxidants work if you’re curious about the science behind the process: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/antioxidants-explained.

The specific kinds of antioxidants found in kyani berries are called anthocyanidins. These special antioxidants provide a steely wall of protection against a variety of health conditions including hemorrhoids, heart disease, peptic ulcers, and certain types of cancer. They also work wonders in your vascular system by widening capillaries, which in turn improves the resiliency of your veins and magnifies the positive effects of Vitamin C.

The Takeaway:

In a nutshell (or a blueberry shell, in this case), there are many disease-fighting antioxidants packed into every kyani berry that you eat. The good news is that it doesn’t take much – only a ½ cup of berries a day – to start reaping the benefits. Antioxidants are one of the most natural and powerful forms of protection against a variety of health ailments, including heart disease, vein problems, and cancer.

Adding to kyani berries’ credibility is the fact that blueberries have been ranked as the #1 food with the highest antioxidant content, as reported by authors at Prevention.com. This shows that good things do come in small packages!

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Reducing Inflammation With Kyani Berries

Another benefit of kyani berries is their ability to reduce inflammation. As WebMD explains, inflammation is similar to free radicals in the sense that it can cause adverse health effects and even lead to chronic disease. But once again, the tiny Alaska blueberry steps in to help. Kyani berries are full of inflammation-fighting properties that can alleviate symptoms like pain and swelling. Eating healthy blueberries for inflammation relief can also reduce your need for anti-inflammatory medications. And blueberries are much tastier than medication, too.

To get the maximum effect, you should eat at least a ½ cup of kyani berries each day. The berries are equally nutritious and capable of combating inflammation in both their raw form and in frozen form. One thing to note is that the darker berries are, the more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties they have. The WebMD website has more information and advice on incorporating these berries into your daily (healthy) lifestyle: https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/superfoods-everyone-needs#1.

The Takeaway:

In addition to antioxidants, kyani berries have the power to significantly reduce inflammation. And it doesn’t take much, either. Research shows that just a half-cup each day is enough to keep the doctor away. If you’re looking to get maximal health benefits, choose berries that are darker in color.

Fun Fact: In one study that examined people with rheumatoid arthritis, the food that study participants credited with making them feel better was blueberries!

What Other Nutrients are in Blueberries?

The fact that kyani blueberries are chock full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties is impressive, but there’s even more! Kyani berries are a good source of other nutrients too, including:

  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K1

Copper is a trace mineral that is found in Alaska blueberries. It plays a variety of roles in the body, including forming collagen and working with iron to produce red blood cells. Although it’s found in trace amounts, copper helps to carry out a variety of bodily functions.

Kyani Triangle of HealthManganese is another trace mineral, which means that your body only stores and needs small amounts of it to function. However, manganese is still critical for growth and development. This vital nutrient controls proper brain and nervous system function. It often works with iron to carry out these essential functions.

Vitamin B6 is another nutrient that supports numerous body functions. Vitamin B6 helps regulate metabolism. It is also essential for proper brain development. Vitamin B6 promotes proper functioning of the nervous system, and it also produces norepinephrine, which helps the body deal with stress.

Vitamin C, which is also called “ascorbic acid,” is technically an antioxidant. You may know this vitamin as the kind that you take more of when you’re fighting off a cold. In addition to shortening the duration of illnesses or reducing their severity, vitamin C gives your skin a glowing appearance and generally supports proper immune function.

Vitamin E supports proper internal and external health. It is essential for optimal immune system functioning, and it is also necessary for skin health. In fact, most high-end beauty products contain some amount of vitamin E.

Vitamin K1, or “vitamin K,” is an important nutrient that is mostly involved in blood clotting. Vitamin K is also necessary for optimal bone health.

In addition to the nutrients above, Alaska blueberries are also a good source of fiber.

Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional benefits that you’ll get by eating one cup of fresh or frozen berries. The acronym “RDI” stands for “Reference Daily Intake”:

  • Fiber: 4 Grams
  • Vitamin C: 24% RDI
  • Vitamin K: 36% RDI
  • Manganese: 25% RDI

The Takeaway:

As if you weren’t impressed by kyani berries already, now you know that they have even more health benefits. Blueberries are chock full of vital nutrients, including copper, manganese, and a host of vitamins. From supporting immune system health to giving you glowing skin, blueberries do it all.

Can Kyani Berries Help Me Lose Weight?

Along with knowing how “healthy” the food that they’re eating is, people often want to know if eating a certain food can help them lose weight.

If you are looking to lose or manage your weight, kyani berries can lend a helping hand. One cup of Alaska berries contains just 57 calories. The berries also contain fiber and they have a high water content (84%), which makes them a good choice for a suitable weight-loss food. Both the fiber and the water in the berries will make you feel full faster and leave you feeling full for a longer period of time. This is essential for weight loss, as other foods with high amounts of fat and (added) sugar will leave you with energy spikes and dips, which ultimately makes you hungrier and in turn eat more.

How do Kyani Berries Compare Nutritionally to Other Foods?

If you want a point of comparison for just how healthy kyani berries are, put a cup side-by-side with two of our favorite snacks: potato chips and ice cream. Potato chips are one of the most popular of all snack foods. They have a calorie content that’s about three times higher than that kyani berries. Each cup of potato chips pack about 152 calories. While kyani berries have just trace amounts of fat, a cup of potato chips contains a whopping 10 grams of fat. A cup of vanilla ice cream, which is a popular dessert, packs nearly 300 calories per cup. Not exactly conducive for losing weight! So the next time you’re rummaging around the kitchen for a perfect snack, go for a cup of berries instead of processed or packaged foods. Or, try a company like tastybox.com.au, who offer a range of healthy dessert options.

Getting Energy From Kyani Berries

Another way that kyani berries help you to lose weight is by giving you a natural source of energy. The energy that you get from Alaska berries comes primarily from their sugar, but it’s a healthy sugar that also provides your body with good nutrition. Instead of reaching for a sugary snack or sports drink to power through a workout, or find the motivation to get through a workout in the first place, consider eating a handful of berries instead. This will provide your mind and energy with the power needed to get in your recommended 30-60 minutes of daily activity. Blueberries are also credited with stabilizing your blood sugar levels, which gives you a steady dose of energy instead of a sugar spike and crash.

To find out more about how you can incorporate kyani berries into an overall healthy weight loss plan, visit this website: http://kyani15.over-blog.com/2015/03/how-kyani-can-help-with-weight-loss.html.

Bonus Tip:

When it comes to kyani berries, the short answer is that yes, consuming berries on a daily basis can help you lose weight. However, it’s important to know that for optimal and long-term weight loss success, you should follow a comprehensive weight loss routine that includes having an overall healthy diet. Getting enough exercise is also beneficial for managing weight. The Mayo Clinic has a number of tips to help you achieve and maintain the weight loss you’re looking for: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/weight-loss/art-20047752.

Where Can I Find Kyani Products?

Now that you know all the benefits that kyani berries can provide, it’s time to figure out where to find them. These superstar berries are available primarily in the following forms:

  • Wild (natural)
  • Supplements
  • Daily Vitamins
  • Bars
  • Drinks
  • Frozen

If you happen to live in Alaska, you can walk out your door and pick them! Like other blueberries, kyani berries are safe to eat raw. In fact, eating raw kyani berries is ideal if you’re looking to get all the nutritional and weight loss benefits, as raw berries have the highest water and fiber content of all forms. As with other produce, however, be sure to wash the berries first before eating them.

Kyani Triangle of Health with Nitro XtremeIf you’re not foraging in an Alaskan forest for the berries, don’t despair – you can still find them in other forms, and much closer to home, too.

Available online and in a number of health food stores, supplements are one of the most popular forms of consuming kyani berries. Many supplements come in pill or liquid form, which makes it easy to get your recommended daily amount as you’re running out the door. It’s also possible to get supplements in the form of packets, which makes them a great addition to a healthy drink like a smoothie. If the supplements are flavored, you can even add them to a glass of regular water or milk. Kyani berries are also sometimes available in the form of vitamins, which you can take in conjunction with other vitamins or alone to meet your nutritional needs.

In addition to supplements and raw berries, you can also find kyani berries in the form of packaged products like bars and drinks. In this form, they are often combined with other super foods and fortified with other nutrients to give you maximal nutritional value while cutting down on your caloric intake. In either natural or processed form, kyani berries can be consumed as part of an overall healthy diet if you’re looking to lose weight.

Finally, you can also consume kyani berries in frozen form. They are enjoyable plain or incorporated into recipes.

Shopping Suggestion:

Kyani berries are relatively easy to come by. If you want a quick and efficient way to find your favorite kyani products, go to this website: https://www.kyaniteamgenesis.com.au/blog/.

Kyani Berry Recipes

If you can get ahold of frozen Alaska blueberries, they make a great base for a just about every meal and snack from morning through evening. If you’re really inspired, you can even use them to make cocktails and mixed drinks!

Blueberry juiceIn the morning, a great way to start out the day is with blueberry muffins. By making the muffins yourself, you can tailor the recipe to eliminate and excess sugars and fats that you don’t want. Blueberry oat bars, which also contain heart-healthy oatmeal, are another delicious option.

When lunchtime rolls around, you can enjoy your berries in the form of a healthy frozen treat, such as a smoothie. A smoothie is also a good choice if you’re looking for a quick, healthy, and tasty way to get adequate nutrition and a good pick-me-up in the middle of the day.

At dinner, the berry trend easily continues with more mouth-watering options. One good way to eat your berries is with a blueberry quinoa power bowl, which combines the super-grain quinoa with the super blueberry. Add in some fresh fruits or vegetables, and dinner becomes even healthier. Instead of pizza, build a flatbread topped with blueberries and a tossed salad.

For dessert, enjoy your kyani berries in the form of a blueberry crisp or a blueberry pie.

And for healthy but delicious ideas for blueberry cocktails, check out these suggestions: https://www.blueberrycouncil.org/blueberry-recipes/frozen/.

As a proud member of the blueberry family, you can rest assured that kyani berries are every bit as healthy, delicious, and nutritional as their cousins. Kyani berries are loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients, and they can provide the energy you need to get through the day. Eating a cup of them each day, as recommended, you’d never believe that such tasty food could also be so good for you. If you’re looking to lose weight, improve your health, or just eat healthier, kyani berries are not a food to miss.

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